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Completed it all but Pylon X. This is a really solid puzzle game with great progression. The little stories were better than the fluff I expected.

My opinion, this game definitely suffers rather than benefits from being sokobon style in the puzzle sections. Exploring the gardens by grid movement was was fine, but I would have rather dragged and dropped stuff in puzzle zones even if it was on rails with collision. The movement is also choppy in the web app and I found myself undoing a lot. I eventually became resentful the "dead" time that felt wasted shoving stuff around in the harder puzzles just to get to the point of where I could try solutions, especially shard and spire. For spire, I stopped trying solutions in game entirely and mapped using Simon Tatham's black box puzzle app.

Frustration with the sokoban mechanics aside, I enjoyed Shard. That was a new system for me. And the puzzle simply looked good.

Spire was grueling in a math way. Lot of great designs in the mid-late stages. The X ones were an enumeration of all the mathematically possible solutions.  

Totem was kind of long but some of the puzzles were just demos, and overall the puzzle design was really well thought out. This one felt like it had the most love put into it. I replayed this one because it was pretty neat.

I am a huge fan of set, so Glyph was a breeze but I really liked the later puzzles in that pack.

Pylon was difficult. I really wish there were show lasers pieces instead of trees at the borders for the later puzzles because the bouncing got really busy with the splits and turns. The cycle of screenshotting, plotting, and then playing unfun sokobon to readjust a piece convinced me the X puzzles weren't going to be worth it.


Thanks for the feedback!

I agree that the sokoban-ness can cross the line into tedium, especially with levels with a lot of moving parts or limited spaces. Halfway through development I had second thoughts about the direction the game had headed when I realised that more than half of the levels could technically just be drag-and-drop! Ultimately I think I wanted to keep the feeling of moving through the world, and maintain the foundational idea of a sokoban where the final placement is the puzzle instead of the path to get there. 

Amusing side note, the first test version of Shard was horrifying with how tedious it was to move everything around (back before the yellow 'x' tiles were added to increase the play space), so I'm very glad my testers shook some sense into me, resulting in me reworking the entire area haha.

Happy to hear you enjoyed Totem, that one definitely went through the most iterations to make sure that the tutorialisation and difficulty curve felt right. And glad that the epitaphs felt worth reading, I almost left them out entirely a week before release because I wasn't sure if they quite worked!

having some trouble solving Pylon-33... I understand the mechanics but I'm not sure how to solve it?

Hello, there's a bug in pylon-x2

If I move right from this position, it still will be considered as entering from up, left and down, but it should be considered as entering only from the left. If I move right one more time, it will cause an infinite loop. 


Hello, I'm here again because I want to talk about "Wrong-warps", and I have news, I might have an idea of what is happening but I don't know the code, so I had to improvise.

What happened that got me theorizing on the "Wrong-Warp" glitch is a little bug that happens after you reset in a "Wrong-Warp" state. 

However, before let's assume something:

1. Assume that the game has 3 "Data types" stored: Rewind-data, Player-data and Level-data. Where Rewind-data is the one read when you press "Z" and that stores the past positions, Player-data stores the position of the player, it's current level and facing-direction, while the Level-data stores what the level looks like, its pushable objects and, most importantly, the id and ways to change level (warp-zones)

2. Assume that the game handles the data from Player-data to Level-data in a continuous flow between the two, allowing for certain data to be corrupted without the game knowing until a certain action triggers it.

Ok, from here this is the steps that should be done: if you are in the main hub the get to any room you want and then proceed.

From that place just warp to the hub with "Return to hub", then press "Z" as your first action, the screen will shake a lot and then you'll be back to where you were before. Like if nothing happened, however leaving the room will cause a wrong-warp and, most importantly, pressing "R" will automatically "Wrong-warp" you to the main hub.

Here is my conclusion:

You are playing normally when you warp to the hub, at that point the game sees this action and informs the Player-data that the current level is now "Hub" and loads that level.

After you press "Z" the game goes back to the Rewind-data and sees a warp, telling the game to redraw the previous level on the screen and to load all of the stuff that was present in that level, but making 1 giant mistake, the game doesn't inform the Player-data that the level id was changed.

Now leaving the room will cause a few things to happen:

1. the game is going to check which level the player was in.

2. Because the player was in "the hub" (the player-data says that about the player), the game is going to check where the player left the room.

3. The game is going to ask the level-data where he should send the player next.

4. The level-data is going to look at the information presented and and not understand, according to the level data the player left the room "Hub" from a non-existing exit in the middle of the level.

5. In an attempt at fixing everything the level-data messes up and ends up sending the player where it shouldn't be, in a not-existing level.

6. A patch catches this fact and re-warps the player to the "Oops, wrong-warp" screen, changing both the Player-data and the level-data.

7. The room gets loaded and the player gets their input back, without the "Z" option available.

There is also to note that after pressing "Z" and "Wrong-warping", pressing of "R" will make the game reset the room the player is in, but because the player is now technically in the "Hub" room then pressing "R" will essentially warp to the "Hub" instantly.

(1 edit)

That sounds about right! Might pass this bug report along to the PuzzleScript Plus dev as it seems to be an issue with PS+'s 'goto' command in particular, and how it interacts with user state history. Thanks for looking into that.

Deleted 164 days ago

The desktop app allows you to download the game to play offline. Though as far as I know there's no way to do this directly from your browser (the downloadable option is removed when you set a game to be playable in-browser for some reason).



Ok, I've played the game and I've beaten ALL levels, including the "Meta worlds" or X-worlds. Call it as you will, but what struck me is the "solution" of Pylon-X-2, for I think that I broke the game and this wasn't an intended solution even tough it feels so.

Here is my solution:

For those of you that know the pylon rules this should seem impossible, the "laser" shot by the turret in the bottom right hits a "turn-left" and goes straight into the "portal" activating only 1 out of the 4 receptors and that is because of the mess on the left of the "portal".

All of that stuff is generating a laser that goes in all the other receptors, and that is because a laser was shot in that formation "activating" an infinite loop that, by its own, would do nothing, but because it was made with a "duplicator" on one side the "generator" can be sustained and also give out a laser, I'll try to show what I mean with a picture

As you can see from this image the yellow and pink lines are the "generators" (previously I shot a laser from beneath on the two "duplicators" where the laser goes down to "activate" them, from there they were a self sustaining loop.) and the blue lines are the ones that enter the "portal" allowing for a completion of the puzzle, however I don't think that this was the solution and I believe this to be a bug, could someone answer me what they think about it?


While not quite the intended solution, I don't mind this staying in the game because it's an interesting consequence of the ruleset. In fact, there was a potential Pylon-X5 level that made use of that mechanic, but didn't make the cut for the final release!


I'm happy to know that this bug had been acknowledged before my comment and I can't wait to see new puzzles with the implementation of this new mechanic (if there are going to be new puzzle). This was a beautiful game, thanks for making it. KEEP DEVELOPING.


A very, very enjoyable game.


Thanks :)


Awesome game! I can't figure out how to get the Totem or Shard secret names though. Can someone help me? I'm really confused.



SHARD is actually the easiest one to get (besides from glyph) - take a good LOOK

TOTEM - this one is kinda hard to give a hint out for. It's a mixture between finding the secret codes for spire and pylon

Oh gosh, that would be hard to give a hint out for. The hint did help though, so thanks!


nice game! forgot to leave a comment lmao

really nice puzzles, the secret ones were great too! 

still don't really like glyph because of the wordsearch puzzles but it's fine, the variety is pretty refreshing anyways

pylon > totem > spire > shard > glyph :)
(i can't be bothered to check if my opinions have changed after not playing the game for a while)


wow, how did you make a custom main menu in a puzzlescript game? this looks like a game for the 16 bit sega genesis/mega drive or something! 

The main menu itself is actually just a regular level, and the logo is made up of many smaller individually-made tiles. I wanted a main menu that didn't look like a PuzzleScript game, so I'm happy to hear the sega genesis/mega drive comparison!

As for the in-game menu, it's pretty much just a whole bunch of individual tiles that are populated on the screen, and some semi-transparent tiles everywhere to give it that 'darkened' effect. The player movement is disabled, and is instead transferred to the menu dots until the action key is pressed again.

Both are pretty hacky solutions, but gives the cool illusion of actual menus!



Help with secret code for Spire? I can see there are 5 gardens with crosses on the trees but I have no idea how to extract a sigil from each of these gardens.

I've tried joining them up and assigning the joined up line to where it would best fit inside a sigil, but this is extremely subjective and unclear and makes me think this isn't the right way to interpret the crosses in the gardens. I have no other idea on what to do with the crosses.

(1 edit)


You need to take an action in each of those gardens to get the game to display the sigil.

Oh my f**ING god of course you do

sulution for pylon 33 pls

Currently stuck on totem-16, any tips on how to beat it?

(1 edit)

What do i have to do to find the code for totem-x> (I want to know how to get parts of the code not the actual code)

Keep an eye out for anything suspicious or slightly out-of-place in those Gardens!

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