Welcome to Reliquia Park!

Discover strange relics left behind by the previous inhabitants of the forest, and learn how they work through a collection of over 200 puzzles!

Reliquia Park contains:

- Many hours worth of puzzles to solve, with an overall gentle difficulty curve.
- 5 realms that you can explore in any order, each with their own unique set of mechanics.
- Learning and discovering puzzle mechanics yourself through interactive tutorials.
- Secrets and optional high-difficulty puzzles for those looking for an extra challenge.
- An in-game help & hints area.


Arrow Keys / WASDMovement / Menu Navigation
RRestart Level
X / Space / EnterSelect / Open Menu / Close Text


This game uses a manual password system to save your progress. 

"Gardens" are used as save points, where each Garden provides you with a password. You can then enter this password in the main hub to return to that particular Garden.

The "Continue" path on the start screen (and the "Return To Hub" option in the menu) will simply take you to the main hub, from which you can travel to Gardens via passwords. 

Note: If you are returning to the game for another play session, it is possible to use PuzzleScript's in-built continue system to resume from exactly where you last left off: Simply press the ESC key to go to the PuzzleScript main menu, and select the "Continue" option.


(Click on any of the questions below to expand the text.)

My save data seems to be missing! / Why doesn't 'Continue' take me back to where I was before?

See the "A Note on Saving" section above. Save data is handled via the in-game Garden system.

I'm stuck on a puzzle in one area, can I go explore another area and come back to this one later?

Of course! Just make sure you have the most recent Garden's password written down somewhere. When you feel like coming back to where you got stuck, you can input the password in the main hub to travel back to that Garden.

Do note that you may need to re-solve a puzzle or two to get back to the level you were at before if the most recent Garden is a few levels behind.

The game froze and I can't move!

If you are in a Pylon level, it's likely that you've created some kind of infinite loop! Luckily you should be able to press the Z key to undo yourself out of the loop.

The game is lagging!

I've received a few reports of the game lagging on particular internet browsers. If you are having this issue yourself, try play the game in a different browser and see if that improves the performance. Google Chrome appears to work well.

My Monolith Fragments have disappeared, what happened?

Due to limitations of the PuzzleScript engine, the main hub cannot remember your progress elsewhere in the game.

Thankfully, collecting and placing Monolith Fragments uses the same password system as Gardens. Simply re-input the Monolith Fragment passwords to place them again. Placing all 5 Fragments consecutively will open up the hub's exit.

I've found a strange password that doesn't seem to link to any Gardens that I've seen before?


Are there multiple endings?

One actual ending, however there's a mysterious path in the Outro section of the game behind a locked gate. I'll leave it up to you to discover how to unlock it!

I've completed some areas, but other areas I'm finding are too difficult/not enjoyable. Am I stuck?

No need to worry! Every player is different, and each will find some areas and puzzle mechanics easier or more fun than others.

I encourage you to treat each discovered Monolith Fragment as its own "ending", because it's an impressive feat in itself to finish any one of the areas! There's no shame in declaring that you've completed as much of the game as you are willing to complete, and leaving it there :)

The challenge levels are too difficult and open-ended...

That's ok! The challenge levels are completely optional and not required to finish the game, so only play them if you get enjoyment out of it and want a higher difficulty/complexity than the main areas.

The challenge levels were not designed with the main-game difficulty curve in mind, and are partially comprised of cut content that was deemed too unfriendly for a general audience, but potentially interesting for those wanting to challenge the limits of each ruleset.

Was this really made in PuzzleScript?

Yep! Specifically, Reliquia Park is made entirely using PuzzleScript+, which is a fork of vanilla PuzzleScript that enables a few extra handy features.

In particular, I utilize:

  • Larger sprite sizes — PS is restricted to 5x5, but here I use 15x15.
  • Level GOTO commands — Used for the password/Garden system and the 'Previous Level' menu option. Without this, the game would be completely linear.
  • Transparent sprites — I only really use this for the background darkening when you open the menu, and the shading on the password input cylinder.
  • Flickscreen — So that the camera follows the player when they move around the hub
  • Custom font — For epitaph messages
  • Movement tweens — The slight "slide" animation when things move around

Everything not listed above is achievable with vanilla PuzzleScript.
One of my goals with Reliquia Park was to showcase what can be possible using this engine. If "is this actually a PuzzleScript game?" ever crosses your mind while playing this then I have achieved this goal haha!

For those curious, the source code for this game is just over 19k lines long, has over 370 defined levels, and compiles to ~4300 instructions. Development took over 10 months, including a healthy(?) amount of procrastination, making it my largest project so far by a long shot (EDGE CASE took only a week!).

I've discovered a bug! / I think a level is broken!

Sorry to hear that! Feel free to let me know via the comments section below, or Twitter, or Discord, and I'll look into it ASAP :)

Where's the music?

Unfortunately I'm unable to add music to a PuzzleScript game. PS used to have the functionality to play a YouTube link in the background as audio, but this broke at some point.

If you want something to listen to while playing, I've curated a Spotify playlist with music that fits the atmosphere I'm going for here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5FAO2jo4HjwRVqlhTMO87B?si=666ee87a56394f41


The playtesters: Niv, Zymetic, icnmyx, turretbuddy2, Pydronia.

The kind and helpful folks over at the Thinky Puzzle Games Discord server.

Stephen Lavelle (increpare), creator of PuzzleScript.

Auroriax & the other PuzzleScript Plus contributors.

HiroHi, creator of the Gothic Bit palette used as the basis of this game's colour design.

jeti, creator of Typecast, the font used for all of the epitaph messages.

My partner & friends who have encouraged me throughout the entire development of this game.

Everyone who has supported me by playing and sharing my games!


- Reworked/replaced tutorialisation levels: TOTEM-42, TOTEM-52, TOTEM-53, TOTEM-54, and SHARD-27. Added a new level SHARD-28. Added New Game author attribution message. Added downloadable zip.
- Added a new warning epitaph to the abyss level intro screens, and nerfed the difficulty of OUTRO-11.
- Nerfed the difficulty of PYLON-33 and removed an unintended solution.
- Added a debug level to catch players that encounter the PS+ "wrong warp" bug, so that they aren't sent to the OUTRO levels by mistake.
- Removed a very unintended solution from PYLON-32.
- Reworked PYLON-33 to avoid the infinite loop bug that would cause the game to freeze.
- Removed an unintended solution from PYLON-25. Fixed 'Previous Level' menu option not working in Pylon Gardens. Fixed some secret symmetry.
- Fixed a typo and a duplicate level number.
- Made it clearer that the Previous Level menu option doesn't work in the hint area.
- Fixed bug where a certain secret Glyph epitaph was showing the wrong text.
- Fixed bug where the secret activation message would appear too many times.
- Fixed two Totem hints being wrongly switched.
- Fixed bug where teleporting to Pylon gardens would not work.
v1.0 - Initial release


Kindly refrain from posting Garden and Fragment names/passwords in the comment section without appropriate spoiler tagging. Thank you :)


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having some trouble solving Pylon-33... I understand the mechanics but I'm not sure how to solve it?

Hello, there's a bug in pylon-x2

If I move right from this position, it still will be considered as entering from up, left and down, but it should be considered as entering only from the left. If I move right one more time, it will cause an infinite loop. 


Hello, I'm here again because I want to talk about "Wrong-warps", and I have news, I might have an idea of what is happening but I don't know the code, so I had to improvise.

What happened that got me theorizing on the "Wrong-Warp" glitch is a little bug that happens after you reset in a "Wrong-Warp" state. 

However, before let's assume something:

1. Assume that the game has 3 "Data types" stored: Rewind-data, Player-data and Level-data. Where Rewind-data is the one read when you press "Z" and that stores the past positions, Player-data stores the position of the player, it's current level and facing-direction, while the Level-data stores what the level looks like, its pushable objects and, most importantly, the id and ways to change level (warp-zones)

2. Assume that the game handles the data from Player-data to Level-data in a continuous flow between the two, allowing for certain data to be corrupted without the game knowing until a certain action triggers it.

Ok, from here this is the steps that should be done: if you are in the main hub the get to any room you want and then proceed.

From that place just warp to the hub with "Return to hub", then press "Z" as your first action, the screen will shake a lot and then you'll be back to where you were before. Like if nothing happened, however leaving the room will cause a wrong-warp and, most importantly, pressing "R" will automatically "Wrong-warp" you to the main hub.

Here is my conclusion:

You are playing normally when you warp to the hub, at that point the game sees this action and informs the Player-data that the current level is now "Hub" and loads that level.

After you press "Z" the game goes back to the Rewind-data and sees a warp, telling the game to redraw the previous level on the screen and to load all of the stuff that was present in that level, but making 1 giant mistake, the game doesn't inform the Player-data that the level id was changed.

Now leaving the room will cause a few things to happen:

1. the game is going to check which level the player was in.

2. Because the player was in "the hub" (the player-data says that about the player), the game is going to check where the player left the room.

3. The game is going to ask the level-data where he should send the player next.

4. The level-data is going to look at the information presented and and not understand, according to the level data the player left the room "Hub" from a non-existing exit in the middle of the level.

5. In an attempt at fixing everything the level-data messes up and ends up sending the player where it shouldn't be, in a not-existing level.

6. A patch catches this fact and re-warps the player to the "Oops, wrong-warp" screen, changing both the Player-data and the level-data.

7. The room gets loaded and the player gets their input back, without the "Z" option available.

There is also to note that after pressing "Z" and "Wrong-warping", pressing of "R" will make the game reset the room the player is in, but because the player is now technically in the "Hub" room then pressing "R" will essentially warp to the "Hub" instantly.

(1 edit)

That sounds about right! Might pass this bug report along to the PuzzleScript Plus dev as it seems to be an issue with PS+'s 'goto' command in particular, and how it interacts with user state history. Thanks for looking into that.

Deleted 134 days ago

The itch.io desktop app allows you to download the game to play offline. Though as far as I know there's no way to do this directly from your browser (the downloadable option is removed when you set a game to be playable in-browser for some reason).



Ok, I've played the game and I've beaten ALL levels, including the "Meta worlds" or X-worlds. Call it as you will, but what struck me is the "solution" of Pylon-X-2, for I think that I broke the game and this wasn't an intended solution even tough it feels so.

Here is my solution:

For those of you that know the pylon rules this should seem impossible, the "laser" shot by the turret in the bottom right hits a "turn-left" and goes straight into the "portal" activating only 1 out of the 4 receptors and that is because of the mess on the left of the "portal".

All of that stuff is generating a laser that goes in all the other receptors, and that is because a laser was shot in that formation "activating" an infinite loop that, by its own, would do nothing, but because it was made with a "duplicator" on one side the "generator" can be sustained and also give out a laser, I'll try to show what I mean with a picture

As you can see from this image the yellow and pink lines are the "generators" (previously I shot a laser from beneath on the two "duplicators" where the laser goes down to "activate" them, from there they were a self sustaining loop.) and the blue lines are the ones that enter the "portal" allowing for a completion of the puzzle, however I don't think that this was the solution and I believe this to be a bug, could someone answer me what they think about it?


While not quite the intended solution, I don't mind this staying in the game because it's an interesting consequence of the ruleset. In fact, there was a potential Pylon-X5 level that made use of that mechanic, but didn't make the cut for the final release!


I'm happy to know that this bug had been acknowledged before my comment and I can't wait to see new puzzles with the implementation of this new mechanic (if there are going to be new puzzle). This was a beautiful game, thanks for making it. KEEP DEVELOPING.


A very, very enjoyable game.


Thanks :)


Awesome game! I can't figure out how to get the Totem or Shard secret names though. Can someone help me? I'm really confused.



SHARD is actually the easiest one to get (besides from glyph) - take a good LOOK

TOTEM - this one is kinda hard to give a hint out for. It's a mixture between finding the secret codes for spire and pylon

Oh gosh, that would be hard to give a hint out for. The hint did help though, so thanks!


nice game! forgot to leave a comment lmao

really nice puzzles, the secret ones were great too! 

still don't really like glyph because of the wordsearch puzzles but it's fine, the variety is pretty refreshing anyways

pylon > totem > spire > shard > glyph :)
(i can't be bothered to check if my opinions have changed after not playing the game for a while)


wow, how did you make a custom main menu in a puzzlescript game? this looks like a game for the 16 bit sega genesis/mega drive or something! 

The main menu itself is actually just a regular level, and the logo is made up of many smaller individually-made tiles. I wanted a main menu that didn't look like a PuzzleScript game, so I'm happy to hear the sega genesis/mega drive comparison!

As for the in-game menu, it's pretty much just a whole bunch of individual tiles that are populated on the screen, and some semi-transparent tiles everywhere to give it that 'darkened' effect. The player movement is disabled, and is instead transferred to the menu dots until the action key is pressed again.

Both are pretty hacky solutions, but gives the cool illusion of actual menus!



Help with secret code for Spire? I can see there are 5 gardens with crosses on the trees but I have no idea how to extract a sigil from each of these gardens.

I've tried joining them up and assigning the joined up line to where it would best fit inside a sigil, but this is extremely subjective and unclear and makes me think this isn't the right way to interpret the crosses in the gardens. I have no other idea on what to do with the crosses.

(1 edit)


You need to take an action in each of those gardens to get the game to display the sigil.

Oh my f**ING god of course you do

sulution for pylon 33 pls

Currently stuck on totem-16, any tips on how to beat it?

(1 edit)

What do i have to do to find the code for totem-x> (I want to know how to get parts of the code not the actual code)

Keep an eye out for anything suspicious or slightly out-of-place in those Gardens!

Are we supposed to download it from somewhere or something. All I get is a static image

It should just play from your browser. Perhaps click on the game to focus it and then see if the keyboard controls work for you then. If not, trying a different internet browser is another potential option.

Why wouldn't this work?


Looks like a slightly incorrect assumption about the SPIRE rules. As a gentle hint, I recommend going back through some of the earlier levels while keeping an eye on the gate lights, and make sure you know what causes them to change!

ngl i played this while i was on a call with my friend and i thought it said "rosa parks" and i called the creator racist for not making the character black.

it was 2 am


When reading the hints for PYLON, I think the words CLOCKWISE and ANTICLOCKWISE were mixed up

Hmm this one might come down to perspective. If you think of the input and output rays and how the input is transformed to the output, then the two terms make sense as-is. But then if you think about the ray itself turning then they are mixed up. I might have to rethink the wording to disambiguate it completely, thanks for letting me know!

So right now the last levels I couldn't beat are the last TOTEM level and the last PYLON level. I'm asking for the solution of these two levels.

pylon 33 solution? (I need solution not hint, the implementation of the trick is the problem)

(1 edit)

nevermind, I used the video to get a simaler solution

can u link me the vid

the trick I was thinking of did not seem to be used

the idea of creating a self powering loop with the spliter

How did you do this stuff of returning to level? I would like to know you does that

All done through PuzzleScript Plus's 'goto' commands! Very useful feature of the fork that vanilla PS cannot do, which enables for non-linear structures such as this one.

Great,I liked the idea of having like a different level select where you aren't in the menu, if it is possible with this goto stuffs, I will try.

Hello, how can I download the game to play offline? Thank you

I think it might be possible through the itch.io desktop app, but I have yet to test that out myself.

So at some point after the final Garden in Totem I somehow ended up in the Outro? I don't remember exactly where I was, what I did because it happened so fast but somehow I was just in the Outro. I was very confused.

Sorry to hear this happened, the engine's implementation of level transitions and win states has a bug, and can sometimes 'wrong warp' you to the incorrect level. Not sure what exactly causes this, but I have a fix on the way that should at least intercept when this happens so that it doesn't take you to the outro.

(5 edits)

im stuck on outro 11 ive tried every thing and have no idea how to do it can anyone help?

me when realising i had a block on the wrong side after a hour 

I'm stuck on Spire 19

(spoilers below)











I can't figure out how to incorporate the yellow spire into a line of 4. The only way it would work is if I can also get the orange spire into H8. HOWEVER, I don't think this is possible because of the blocks.

Any advice?

Here's my visualization I made while trying to solve the level. (the "x" is for spots that are impossible to put a spire)


A minor hint: the lights on the gate can give you some valuable information on your goal!


Solved 4 of the branches, but I get to... [spoiler break]

... I get to Totem 40 and see eight pieces with three different rules and none of them locked in place and I just feel... tired, since I know I'm somehow only halfway down this branch and it already looks almost as open-ended and knotty as the endgame of Spire.

Some of these puzzles get so open-ended that it feels like there's nowhere to start. And the puzzlescript movement is just clunky enough that I have to continually pay attention to move exactly where I intend to, so messing around isn't free.

I absolutely love most of the ideas at play here, though. The process of discovering these rules has been fantastic, and they're all very clever. I think this branch just isn't for me.

I'm probably going to have fun with the secrets for Glyph Shard and Pylon, and then call it a day. I can watch Joe solve Totem and Spire-X.

Great work, will be paying attention to what you do next as a developer.

Thanks! Yeah Totem can feel quite daunting and open-ended at times. The solve method of that area is mainly focused around search heuristics (particularly in trying to narrow the search space as much as possible by identifying and placing highly-constrained or highly-constraining pieces first) rather than a step-by-step logical method, which is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Glad you enjoyed your time regardless!


It's interesting, I often do enjoy solving via heuristics and getting a "feel" for the rules, but I guess I try to fall back to deduction when I'm stuck or tired.

Regardless, I really appreciate how the different branches ask for different kinds of thinking. I like the game better for having a section I struggled with, than I would if it were sanded off.

Thanks for making this!

alright where is my logic going wrong in totem 59 (spoilers below)

1. no other totems can be in the same row/column as the totem that looks kinda like a flower petal (totem "A")

2. the last totem you discover (totem "2") adopts the rule of any totem in the 8 squares around it

3. if there's multiple "2" totems they all adopt the rule of any totems any "2" is near

4. The available space has 4 rows and 4 columns, with 6 total totems on the board. this means it is impossible for each totem to be in its own row/column

5. there is also no possible arrangement where no "2" totem is within one space of an "A" totem, meaning all "2" totems adopt the "A" totem rule

6. Because all 6 totems have cannot be in the same column as each other, but the available level space does not allow this, the level is unsolvable.

7. Obviously the level IS somehow solvable, so I made a mistake somewhere

8. ???? help

(3 edits)

I haven't reached this level yet, but based on your description, I think your mistake is in point 5.

(If I assume 1 "A" and 5 "2"s, or 2 As and 4 2s, I managed to solve it on graph paper. If it's 3 or more As, I don't know.)

Yeah there is 2 As and 4 2s. The solution involves not letting any 2 be adjacent to any A.


Wow. Just... wow. What an amazing collection of puzzles. Well done!

Thank you!

(4 edits) (+1)

wonderful puzzle game!

Solved all normal sections except totems and spire-22, and after days of python coding, I solved spire-22 and some of the latter totem puzzles, still programming to solve totem 57-61

(Eventually solved 50-61 without program after half a hour, only totem 49 used to solve)

some possible useless spoiler:











totem-49 has 1 solution (2 if included rotate and flips)

totem-x4 has 6 solutions (48 if included rotate and flips)

(4 edits)

current progress:solved everything

spent time in normal sections:totem > spire > pylon > shard > glyph (included time to program)

spent time in abyss sections: spire > pylon > shard > glyph > totem (included time to program)

! Major spoilers !(about Spire) :











·Spire-22 has 5 solutions(76 if included move, rotate and flip), and all 5 unique solutions will be used in spire abyss

can somebody give a hint for pylon 33.

I figure it out.

I did not figure it out. I know the required trick, but not how to implement it effectively.

also I think they changed that level to be more restrictive, so a months old tutorial I found won't be the same.

how did u do it

(3 edits) (+1)


I have played most of the game to this point and I have beaten all of the normal sections, and I have to say that my favorite is definitely the Shard part, even tough I didn't quite understand the rules I still managed to get trough it correctly (

The rules where these in my opinion:

  • All the edges must be connected in a continuous way
  • All the circular end must not directly touch triangular ends
  • No piece should be standing on an X
  • No full piece should be touching another full piece

even tough they feel very very wrong they still got me trough.)

But now I'm going for the META worlds and I'm stuck on PYLON-X2 and I'VE FOUND 9 DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS THAT INVOLVE 6 "RIGHT-TURNS" AND 0 "LEFT-TURNS" PLUS A COOL IDEA OF A "GENERATOR". Does anyone know weather or not that is intended?

All in all it is a very well made game and I love the concept.

Keep developing.

edit: I just figured it out, well I already had the correct solution and I just had to rearrange some turn-left and turn-right, I'll try to upload the final solution as an image, please tell me if it was intended.

i been wondering about how you made level selector thingy in here since it was made in puzzlescript, care to share if you can please?

(2 edits)

This game uses PuzzleScript Plus which includes the feature of 'goto' commands. This allows you to define levels with a name, and the ability to add 'goto [level_name]' on the right side of a rule. In my case, the game just has a rule for every valid combination of 5 sigils, and a goto command to send you to the relevant level.


oh, well thats good to know, thanks!

also i loved playing this game

I think my game crashed during Pylon 33, though I'm not sure why? Suddenly I couldn't move at all, this is what the screen looks like:

(2 edits)

Yeah looks like the infinite loop bug, pressing undo should fix it. This level will be reworked soon to remove the issue.

EDIT: PYLON-33 has now been reworked in v1.8

The bug seems to still exist.

Move down at the status of the picture to reproduce the bug.

Interestingly, reproducing the status by some other way may not cause the bug.

(1 edit) (+1)

Reworked the level one last time haha. The issue was narrowed down to an odd interaction that the '8' Totems have when a loop is introduced. While I couldn't find a nice solution for the bug itself, I've changed the level so that that particular loop shouldn't be able to arise anymore. Thanks for the bug report!

Does the credit garden have a name?

Currently no, I assumed the player wouldn't need to go there a second time haha. If it helps, all the Credits info is replicated in the Thanks To section of this itch.io page anyway!

(2 edits)

I start the game and the first dialog i got is"if you complete all the puzzle the path will be open"then go to the outtro and i just stuck at the 07 with eight random statues and a random box.

i go in the hub and can't go back to the one i'm stuck on.
and i restart the the game and walk in to the intro??

did i miss the level order or something??

Huh that's strange. There's a bug in the PuzzleScript+ engine where sometimes level transitions behave unexpectedly, so it might be a case of that sadly. Usually the 'wrong warp' tends to happen if you undo through a level change.

In Pylon-33 one of the gate indicators started blinking and made me unable to move

(1 edit)

There's potential to get into an infinite loop in that level I've heard. You should be able to use the undo key to get out of it!

EDIT: PYLON-33 has now been reworked in v1.8 to fix this bug!

(1 edit)

I wrote down a garden code in spire, but it says the code is incorrect. 

(possible spoilers below)








I was working on spire, and I remember that I reached the garden where it talked about "anxiously waiting for the communication at 8:00am every day"

The code I had written down was:  ryrâ–³+

I don't want to have to do all those puzzles again, so could someone please tell me what that garden code actually is?

Hello! I think you have written down the 2nd sigil wrong in this case. You will instead want the "9"-looking sigil there, hopefully that will work for you.


Thank you so much!!! <3

Deleted 173 days ago

I'm guessing (like me), you thought that because there are 10 spires and 5 sets needed, each spire needs to be part of 2 sets. But that's not necessarily correct... 

As a hint: try maximizing diagonals. How can you "draw" the most diagonals while reusing the most spires?

wait I'm so confused though bc hint 2 literally says

(spoilers below)

"every spire is always used in exactly two different lines". are you saying you found a solution where that's not true?

Looking at my solution again, I think what I said may have been wrong. My bad!

(1 edit)

I really don't see how totem 59 is possible.

(Rot 13)

Nf v haqrefgnaq vg gur "2" funcrq gbgrzf pbcl gur arnerfg abezny gbgrz, naq fvapr gur gevnatyr gbgrzf npg yvxr ebbxf sebz purff guvf zrnaf 6 ebbxf ba n 4k4 juvpu boivbhfyl qbrfag jbex.

Edit: I got it!

I just misunderstood how it worked.

i don't understand totem 15

Super fun so far!


Vg frrzf gung n ybg bs gur ehyrf ner onfrq ba obneq tnzrf yvxr purff naq frg. Vf guvf gehr be jnf gurer nabgure vafcvengvba?

(1 edit)

(rot13, Totem and Glyph spoilers)

Lrnu! Gbgrz jnf qrsvavgryl vafcverq ol Purff (naq Hygvzn Purff sbe gur ynfg gjb cvrprf), naq Tylcu pnzr sebz gur vqrn bs gheavat Frg vagb n oybpx-chfuvat chmmyre. Tylcu-33 va cnegvphyne vf n ubzntr gb gur "svaq bar Frg bhg bs gurfr 12 pneqf" tnzrcynl bs gur pneq tnzr!

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