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(3 edits) (+1)


I have played most of the game to this point and I have beaten all of the normal sections, and I have to say that my favorite is definitely the Shard part, even tough I didn't quite understand the rules I still managed to get trough it correctly (

The rules where these in my opinion:

  • All the edges must be connected in a continuous way
  • All the circular end must not directly touch triangular ends
  • No piece should be standing on an X
  • No full piece should be touching another full piece

even tough they feel very very wrong they still got me trough.)

But now I'm going for the META worlds and I'm stuck on PYLON-X2 and I'VE FOUND 9 DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS THAT INVOLVE 6 "RIGHT-TURNS" AND 0 "LEFT-TURNS" PLUS A COOL IDEA OF A "GENERATOR". Does anyone know weather or not that is intended?

All in all it is a very well made game and I love the concept.

Keep developing.

edit: I just figured it out, well I already had the correct solution and I just had to rearrange some turn-left and turn-right, I'll try to upload the final solution as an image, please tell me if it was intended.

nothing has made me quite as miserable spire 22. did anyone else feel like that was way harder than the rest of them? maybe it's just the way my brain works but I was able to solve every other spire level with some thinking but spent literal DAYS on 22 and still had to look up a walkthrough to finish it.

i been wondering about how you made level selector thingy in here since it was made in puzzlescript, care to share if you can please?

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This game uses PuzzleScript Plus which includes the feature of 'goto' commands. This allows you to define levels with a name, and the ability to add 'goto [level_name]' on the right side of a rule. In my case, the game just has a rule for every valid combination of 5 sigils, and a goto command to send you to the relevant level.


oh, well thats good to know, thanks!

also i loved playing this game

I think my game crashed during Pylon 33, though I'm not sure why? Suddenly I couldn't move at all, this is what the screen looks like:

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Yeah looks like the infinite loop bug, pressing undo should fix it. This level will be reworked soon to remove the issue.

EDIT: PYLON-33 has now been reworked in v1.8

Does the credit garden have a name?

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I start the game and the first dialog i got is"if you complete all the puzzle the path will be open"then go to the outtro and i just stuck at the 07 with eight random statues and a random box.

i go in the hub and can't go back to the one i'm stuck on.
and i restart the the game and walk in to the intro??

did i miss the level order or something??

Huh that's strange. There's a bug in the PuzzleScript+ engine where sometimes level transitions behave unexpectedly, so it might be a case of that sadly. Usually the 'wrong warp' tends to happen if you undo through a level change.

In Pylon-33 one of the gate indicators started blinking and made me unable to move

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There's potential to get into an infinite loop in that level I've heard. You should be able to use the undo key to get out of it!

EDIT: PYLON-33 has now been reworked in v1.8 to fix this bug!

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I wrote down a garden code in spire, but it says the code is incorrect. 

(possible spoilers below)








I was working on spire, and I remember that I reached the garden where it talked about "anxiously waiting for the communication at 8:00am every day"

The code I had written down was:  ryr△+

I don't want to have to do all those puzzles again, so could someone please tell me what that garden code actually is?

Hello! I think you have written down the 2nd sigil wrong in this case. You will instead want the "9"-looking sigil there, hopefully that will work for you.


Thank you so much!!! <3

Deleted 4 days ago

I'm guessing (like me), you thought that because there are 10 spires and 5 sets needed, each spire needs to be part of 2 sets. But that's not necessarily correct... 

As a hint: try maximizing diagonals. How can you "draw" the most diagonals while reusing the most spires?

wait I'm so confused though bc hint 2 literally says

(spoilers below)

"every spire is always used in exactly two different lines". are you saying you found a solution where that's not true?

Looking at my solution again, I think what I said may have been wrong. My bad!

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I really don't see how totem 59 is possible.

(Rot 13)

Nf v haqrefgnaq vg gur "2" funcrq gbgrzf pbcl gur arnerfg abezny gbgrz, naq fvapr gur gevnatyr gbgrzf npg yvxr ebbxf sebz purff guvf zrnaf 6 ebbxf ba n 4k4 juvpu boivbhfyl qbrfag jbex.

Edit: I got it!

I just misunderstood how it worked.

i don't understand totem 15

Super fun so far!


Vg frrzf gung n ybg bs gur ehyrf ner onfrq ba obneq tnzrf yvxr purff naq frg. Vf guvf gehr be jnf gurer nabgure vafcvengvba?

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(rot13, Totem and Glyph spoilers)

Lrnu! Gbgrz jnf qrsvavgryl vafcverq ol Purff (naq Hygvzn Purff sbe gur ynfg gjb cvrprf), naq Tylcu pnzr sebz gur vqrn bs gheavat Frg vagb n oybpx-chfuvat chmmyre. Tylcu-33 va cnegvphyne vf n ubzntr gb gur "svaq bar Frg bhg bs gurfr 12 pneqf" tnzrcynl bs gur pneq tnzr!

I'm stuck on spire 18 if anyone has anything to help!

Rot 13

Vs bayl gung obggbz evtug fcver pbhyq zbir...

Oh wow i feel stupid, haha thanks


BUG: the previous level button doesnt work when in pylon gardens

Thanks for letting me know, now fixed in v1.7 :)


My let's play video

I've been looking forward to your playthrough! I'm very excited for this series :D

I have gotten up to the final pillar in pylon but don't know what it does. i know the rest of them but would like a little help with this one. if you don't know what it is, it is the one with the l pieces in each corner.

The 'Help & Hints' area (upper-right exit of the main hub) might be able to help you there! It will contain hints for each Pylon type.


wait hold on guys this game is literally The Witness skibidi toilet Tanji cbt grimace shake Bilatrice Lingo gyatt griddy game mode

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all I have left is the final level of spire and then I'm done (except for figuring out the garden secrets for shard, glyph, and totem) but it is whooping my butt. 

edit: nevermind i did it, now i just need to figure out the garden secrets

also, freaking incredible game, I haven't played a game that 1.brilliantly and seamlessly weaves the puzzle mechanics into the story and vise versa, and 2.has puzzles that are hard enough to keep my brain thinking, while also not being too hard that I want to stop. 15/10 for sure

Thanks for the kind words :)

How can I start at the beginning without starting over my progress?

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Progress is tracked only by Garden passwords and Monolith Fragment passwords, so no need to worry about losing progress! You can also get back to the hub at any time (outside of the Intro section) via the X Menu.

how to solve spire-x2

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spoiler garden names



Does anyone have a hint for Spire-22? I believe I understand all the rules, and if this were a problem involving coins or marbles without a grid, I know the approach I'd take. What I can't figure out is how to map that solution on to this 8x8 grid, to the point that I'm starting to wonder if I'm on the right track.

Spoilers below fold


I'm assuming I've got to form a star shape? But I can't figure out a rotation that makes five lines. I'm operating under the assumptions:

- I've got to make five straight lines

- A line is 4 pieces in either a horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or knight-move configuration

- A line can't have more than 4 pieces, so a line of 5 isn't two lines of 4

- the gate indicates the number of additional lines require to pass, in this case 5.


It's hard to think of a hint for this kind of puzzle, but here are some realisations I had while solving that might be helpful 🙂 (ROT13)

1. Rirel fcver fubhyq or cneg bs ng yrnfg 2 yvarf.

2. Vs n fcver vf bayl cneg bs bar yvar, gel fuvsgvat vg nybat gung yvar

3. Gurer ner zhygvcyr fbyhgvbaf, fb gurer zvtug or n fgne-funcrq bar, ohg nyy gur barf V sbhaq ner abg fgne-funcrq.

Biggish spoiler:

4. Fcverf ercerfrag gur vagrefrpgvba bs yvarf. Cnenyyry yvarf qb abg vagrefrpg, fb rnpu yvar jvyy unir n qvssrerag fybcr.

my solution looks more like a A.

try putting this 5 lines together and they have to form 10 points on the intersections, next you should considerate which line is the horizontal. this is how I got my solution.

hope this help ^-^


Incredible game, I had an absolute blast playing through this! The difficulty curve of each area feels well-balanced, I loved getting stumped by a new mechanic and back-tracking through the levels to experiment more with it. TOTEM especially had me questioning my understanding of the mechanics right up until the very end.

There were times where I felt hampered by the block-pushing, wishing I had a bit more space to work with (looking at you, SHARD garden!) but that's a very minor gripe :)

Time to find some more secrets...

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Wow, what a game. I had to write a program to solve the puzzles in the Spire Abyss, but even that was a fun challenge 😅

Small typo I noticed: the Glyph Abyss is referred to as the "Shard Abyss" in its introductory epitaph.

Congratulations!! Really happy to hear that you had a good time with the game.

Also thanks for letting me know about that bug, it's now fixed :)



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how HOW is this made in puzzlescript.
major respects to coding this thing!

crap ton of lag though, maybe consider making this in another game engine

Haha thank you! It was definitely a long journey to get it all working in PuzzleScript, but goes to show that it can be done!


omg parachor!!!

really nice game, nowhere near done yet (spire and a bit of totem), but what i can see is really nice! will continue grinding...